
4樹脂ap≦1DCae≦0.02㎜〜0.05㎜vfnmin-1vfnmin-1vfnmin-1vfnmin-1ap2樹脂3If the machine rotation speed is insufficient, reduce the rotation speed and feed rate apae【Note】ap:軸方向切り込み(㎜)DC:外径(㎜)ap : Axial direction cutting depth (mm)DC : Outer diameter(mm)1樹脂の材質によってはエアブローを推奨致します。2この標準切削条件表は切削条件の目安を示したものです。 実際の加工形状・使用機械・加工目的により条件を調整してください。3機械の回転数が足りない場合は、回転数と送り速度を同じ比率で下げて ください。1 An air blower is recommended for some resin materials.2 The cutting conditions shown in the table above are reference cutting conditions,50,000 48,000 44,000 40,000 34,000 30,000 26,000 24,000 50,000 46,660 41,470 50,000 46,660 46,660 50,000 46,660 46,660 46,660 41,990 37,330 36,290 32,660 29,030 27,220 24,440 21,780 20,740 18,660 16,610 15,530 13,970 12,290 38,400 34,560 30,720 38,400 34,560 34,560 38,400 34,560 34,560 34,560 31,100 27,650 26,880 24,190 21,500 20,160 18,100 16,130 15,360 13,820 12,300 11,500 10,350 9,100 38,400 34,560 30,720 38,400 34,560 34,560 38,400 34,560 34,560 34,560 31,100 27,650 26,880 24,190 21,500 20,160 18,100 16,130 15,360 13,820 12,300 11,500 10,350 9,100 EPDS2005-2-SDEPDS2005-4-SDEPDS2005-6-SDEPDS2006-2-SDEPDS2006-4-SDEPDS2006-6-SDEPDS2008-4-SDEPDS2008-6-SDEPDS2008-8-SDEPDS2010-4-SDEPDS2010-8-SDEPDS2010-12-SDEPDS2015-6-SDEPDS2015-12-SDEPDS2015-18-SDEPDS2020-8-SDEPDS2020-16-SDEPDS2020-24-SDEPDS2030-12-SDEPDS2030-24-SDEPDS2030-36-SDEPDS2040-16-SDEPDS2040-32-SDEPDS2040-48-SD【備考】0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.5 2 3 4 50,000 48,000 44,000 40,000 34,000 30,000 26,000 24,000 商品コード外径DCTool dia.and should be adjusted according to the actual shape to be machined, the machineused, and purpose for machining.by the same ratio.アルミニウム合金展伸材A5052,A7075等, etc.Work materials外径DCTool dia.(mm)回転数 nmin-1被削材被削材50,000 50,000 46,080 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 46,650 41,480 40,320 36,290 32,250 30,240 27,150 24,200 23,040 20,730 18,450 17,250 15,530 13,650 切り込み Depth of cut (mm)Cast aluminum alloy materialDie-casting, Si less than 10%送り速度1231アルミニウム合金鋳物ダイキャストSi 10%未満送り速度回転数mm/min1,180 1,080 860 1,680 1,535 1,535 1,680 1,535 1,535 2,500 2,140 1,670 2,030 1,670 1,300 2,030 1,670 1,300 1,940 1,600 1,400 3,680 2,980 2,640 mm/min1,150 980 760 1,535 1,390 1,390 1,535 1,390 1,390 2,280 1,880 1,460 1,780 1,460 1,130 1,780 1,460 1,130 1,690 1,390 1,230 3,220 2,600 2,300 銅合金C1100等, etc.アクリル等回転数送り速度回転数mm/min850 700 540 1,210 995 995 1,210 995 995 1,628 1,340 1,045 1,270 1,045 810 1,270 1,045 810 1,210 995 880 2,300 1,860 1,640 送り速度mm/min1,280 1,050 810 1,820 1,490 1,490 1,820 1,490 1,490 2,440 2,010 1,570 1,910 1,570 1,220 1,910 1,570 1,220 1,820 1,490 1,320 2,300 1,860 1,640 EPDS-SDDCエポックSD(S-DLC)ディープスクエアEpoch SD(S-DLC) Deep Square<溝切削> Slotting<側面仕上げ切削> Side FinishingItem code(mm) aluminum alloy materialWork materialsアルミニウム合金展伸材A5052,A7075等, etc.首下長LUUnder neck軸方向切り込み量Axial direction cutting depth回転数アクリル等送り速度 vfmm/min2,000 1,920 2,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,080 1,920 回転数 nmin-1送り速度 vfmm/min2,000 1,920 2,200 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,080 1,920 Expanded aluminum alloy materiallength(mm)24624646848126121881624122436163248(mm)0.15 0.09 0.06 0.18 0.11 0.06 0.24 0.14 0.09 0.3 0.17 0.11 0.45 0.25 0.16 0.6 0.35 0.21 0.9 0.36 0.26 1.2 0.64 0.35 Resin, Acrylic, etc.Pure copperResin, Acrylic, etc.171標準切削条件表 Recommended cutting conditions

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