
ll &DeepENDMLLseriSmaesVOL51 I I 。.i.MOLDNOTool Engneering, Ltd小径深彫りエンドミルシリーズ Safetyre not guaranteed values.ineering, Ltd.ベジタブルインクで印刷しています。Printed using vegetable oil ink.2022-4Ball nose 1173 itemsRadius 990 itemsSquare 314 items11739903142477   へ03-24820, FAX : +49-(0)2103-248230EL : +1(248)308-2620, FAX :+1(248)308-2627ro, CP 76246, México TEL : +52-442-1926800   EL : +55(11)3506-5600 FAX : +55(11)3506-5677   , Thailand TEL:+66-(0)2-661-8175 FAX:+66-(0)2-661-8176 Bengaluru, 560 022, Karnataka, India. Tel : +91-80-2204-3600Printed in JAPAN部との接(1) When removing the tool from its case (packaging), be careful that the tool does not pop out or isdropped. Be particularly careful regarding contact with the tool flutes. い。(2) When handling tools with sharp cutting flutes, be careful not to touch the cutting flutes directly with your bare hands.は確実にを取り除い(1) Before use, check the outside appearance of the tool for scratches, cracks, etc. and that it is firmlymounted in the collet chuck, etc.(2) If abnormal chattering, etc. occurs during use, stop the machine immediately and remove the causeof the chattering.きい場合、てご使用(1) Before use, confirm the dimensions and direction of rotation of the tool and milling work material.(2) The numerical values in the standard cutting conditions table should be used as criteria when startingnew work. The cutting conditions should be adjusted as appropriate when the cutting depth is large, the rigidity of the machine being used is low, or according to the conditions of the work material.りくずが飛傷させる恐具を着用(3) Cutting tools are made of a hard material. During use, they may break and fly off. In addition, cuttingchips may also fly off. Since there is a danger of injury to workers, fire, or eye damage from such flying pieces, a safety cover should be attached when work is performed and safety equipment suchas safety goggles should be worn to create a safe environment for work.(4) There is a risk of fire or inflammation due to sparks, heat due to breakage, and cutting chips. Do notuse where there is a risk of fire or explosion. Please caution of fire while using oil base coolant, fire prevention is necessary.。引火やは防火対(5) Do not use the tool for any purpose other than that for which it is intended.再研削を、保護め(1) If regrinding is not performed at the proper time, there is a risk of the tool breaking. Replace the toolwith one in good condition, or perform regrinding.研削等の(2) Grinding dust will be created when regrinding a tool. When regrinding, be sure to attach a safetycover over the work area and wear safety clothes such as safety goggles, etc.相談(3) This product contains the specified chemical substance cobalt and its inorganic compounds. When  performing regrinding or similar processing, be sure to handle the processing in accordance with  thelocal laws and regulations regarding prevention of hazards due to specified chemical substances.変更することがあります。2023-4(K)2017-1:FP http://www.moldino.com1. Cautions regarding handling2. Cautions regarding mounting3. Cautions during use4. Cautions regarding regrindingビル8階)0-5134890-51280-5103FAX03-6890-5128FAX054-273-0361FAX052-687-9144FAX06-7668-0194FAX082-536-2003FAX092-289-70123-03607-91508-01906-20019-7010ボールボールアイテムアイテムラジアスラジアスアイテムアイテムスクエアスクエアアイテムアイテム合 計合 計アイテム工具選定データベース 【TOOLSEARCH】ホームページフリーダイヤル技術相談Total 2477 items小径深彫りエンドミルシリSmall & Deep END MILL ser

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